Having a Bad Day?

Here’s the deal: you hear an amazing and inspiring message on Sunday at church. You determine that this week will be different than last week. But Monday morning rolls around and the baby wakes up super early, the dog gets into your neighbor’s yard, your spouse is clearly not getting a clue, and your kids are acting like they are from another planet. Worse than that, stress over finances, fear about your health, anger at a person, or shame over your entire state of affairs creeps in.

Suddenly, you’re in a downward spiral, and you yell at your kids, give your spouse an eye roll instead of a kiss goodbye, slam the door as you put the dog back in the house, burst into tears when you realize you forgot to make an online payment, and fall into a defeated heap on the couch, where you binge watch a Netflix show and give into the ice cream you weren’t going to eat. This week was going to be different!

The Bible says that Satan comes immediately to try and steal the Word out of our hearts. How? By getting us to ignore the Spirit and focus on the flesh. He tries to brings negative feelings and negative thoughts, but he blames those thoughts and feelings on people or circumstances. He doesn’t want you to know that he’s the one behind it. If you blame your spouse or your circumstances or your bills for your rotten attitude or the fear, then you will never get to the true culprit.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming EVERYTHING on the devil. If we LEAN to our flesh and soul realm, we will always REACT instead of RESPOND, always SINK instead of SPEAK LIFE, always GIVE IN instead of GIVE IT TO GOD.

That’s when you have to decide who you will listen to and who you will serve. We all question our faith at points in our life, but that’s where we have to rely on the Holy Spirit to confirm what is the truth. Creation itself tells us that there is a Creator who is intricately involved in our lives. However, GOD CAN ONLY DO FOR US WHAT WE BELIEVE HE CAN DO FOR US. Why? Because He gave human beings free will. He gave us the opportunity to involve Him in our lives or not, to speak life or death, to choose blessing or cursing with our words. If bad things have happened in our lives it is because human beings have chosen evil, NOT that God has allowed or desires evil to happen. He will not violate human free will because He wanted children who would be in a real relationship with Him out of CHOICE. He did not want robots who had no choice but to love Him. If you have had bad things happen or you are not experiencing the victory paid for by Jesus, perhaps it is either because other people in your life have chosen evil, or you do not fully understand your total authority over evil. Jesus gave us authority to speak with total authority and belief, and see it come to pass. Mark 11:24 says that when when you pray, believe that you receive, and it shall be done for you. Romans 8:11 says that the same power that brought Jesus out of the grave is now inside of us, restoring our bodies with life.

But God has already given us the gift of salvation, and with it came all that we need for life. It is now our job to enforce the victory paid for on the cross. It is our role to choose what we believe. God is only good, and he only loves. John 10:10 says that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life more abundantly.

Get angry at Satan and realize that you have total authority over him when you submit your life to God and resist Satan. Command any evil presences of fear, sickness, depression, doubt, etc to go now in Jesus name! Then find scriptures that talk about that particular struggle and speak those out loud!

I am praying for you, my dear. You are special, and God thinks you’re incredible, so don’t believe any lie that says you aren’t.

Big Love,

Amy xoxoxo 

ps- If you haven’t read my book Healed Overnight, it’s time to DO IT!


Flooded With LIFE!

Do you know that feeling of getting a little damp during a springtime rain storm as you run from your house to the car? Now, contrast that with the feeling of jumping off the diving board into a cool swimming pool on a hot, sweaty summer day, after you’ve been doing difficult yard work. The feeling of the water totally surrounding and refreshing you is ahhhh-mazing, as it washes away all feelings of heat and tiredness. There’s a huge difference between getting a little damp in the rain versus diving into a pool.

That’s the difference between reading the Word of God here and there as we run through life, versus entirely saturating our minds in the Word until it engulfs and surrounds us.

When I was seeking God for healing in my body, it required a good soak in the Word, three to four times per day. A little shower here and there wasn’t cutting it. Why? Because my soul was weary and overheated from the years of struggle, pain, and fear. I had to avoid the muck and fear of this world’s system of thinking and intentionally saturate my body, mind, and spirit in God’s refreshing promises. I could almost feel the *splash* as I dove into healing scriptures day after day after day. At first, it was a shock to my system, because I was battling fear and doubt. My mind tried to convince me that it works for other people but not for me. Thirty days later, something shifted. I was no longer the dirty, sweaty, weary, sick soul I once was. I was bold, refreshed, confident, joyful...giddy with delight over God’s promises! Like a little kid splashing around in a big ole summer swimming pool!

Then, BAM! Two weeks later, I was instantly and completely healed. I’ve never been the same!


“...Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing bher by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.”

Ephesians 5:25b-27 NIV (emphasis mine)


Speaking of floods, we recently visited the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. You’ve gotta see it! 

I Was Being Rushed to the ER

Guys, the girl I am today is SO DIFFERENT from the girl I was nine years ago, riding in the back of our SUV on the way to the ER.

I was sick. So sick my new husband couldn’t even get me to my feet. He had already taken me to the doctor earlier in the week and gotten prescriptions for me, but after another week of fever and weakness, he was alarmed. He had to carry me to the car, and I was so weak, I couldn’t even sit up in the seat on my own. He had to make a pallet for me in the back of the SUV and lie me down. On the way to the ER, I reflected on how this possibly could be happening to me in our first year of marriage. It wasn’t the first time. It had actually been 8 long years of health battles.

While we had enjoyed an amazing relationship in our first year, sickness was always getting in the way. I ended up in the ER on our honeymoon with delirium, fever, extreme nausea and pain, due to a mysterious organ infection. The entire first year of marriage, I had severe pain in my stomach, accompanied with nausea, every time I ate ANYTHING. My back and legs hurt all the time. We knew there was a growth in my abdomen. My stomach protruded like I was 5-6 months pregnant. But worst of all, doctors couldn’t figure out what the underlying issue was. No diagnosis. There was definitely a cloudy mass in my stomach that seemed intertwined with my organs. There were all these symptoms, and pains, and infections, but they were a mystery.

When we arrived at the ER, I was given very strong antibiotics, IV fluids, and told it was severe kidney infection this time. I was released after begging to go home later that night. I was feeling better but still not strong enough to pack up our house and move that upcoming week. Yep, we had bought our first little dream cottage in our dream town. And I was too weak to even pack a box. My mom and sisters came over and did the work for me while I lie on the couch giving directions.

A month later, as my husband and I were starting renovations on the cottage, I had another organ infection, fighting fever, nausea, pain, and weakness for another two weeks. It was miserable. I remember staying home from work and just lying on the couch crying, asking God for answers.

And boy, did He bring me answers. I won’t go into the details here, but I went on a journey of discovering who God is, who I am, and what God’s will for healing is.

I discovered FOUR POWERFUL TRUTHS that radically transformed my mindset. I went on a 30-day challenge, during which I reprogrammed my thought life, removed roots of self-hatred, unworthiness, fear, and shame. I got angry at the issue and tackled it with something far more powerful than doctors, surgery, or medicine (although there’s nothing wrong with any of that). I don’t have space here to share what happened during that 30-days, but it was a total shift!

Then it happened. On Sept. 28, 2010, I woke up, sat up in bed, and realized that it was all gone. My body felt totally different. The growth was gone. The pain was gone.

👉🏼I had lost 13lbs and nine inches from my waist overnight, as I slept. 😳🙌🏻


Fast forward to today. This smiling girl you see leads a totally different life now. I have been completely illness-free, with not ONE infection, since that day nine years ago!!! I now have three beautiful children who I should never have been able to have. And most importantly, I KNOW who my God is and I KNOW who I am in Him.

After hearing so many heartbreaking stories of other Christians suffering from illness, and so many asking how I was healed, I decided to write down my testimony. It’s an easy read, a book called “Healed Overnight: My Encounter with the Supernatural.” I would love for you to read it if you are facing a stressful health issue, or pass it on to a friend if you know someone who needs it. Available on Amazon, Kindle, iBooks!

And I love to pray for you, because I absolutely 100% HATE what sickness does to people, and I want to see EVERY SINGLE PERSON set free from it! I’m not just talking about physical sickness— also SOUL SICKNESS. MENTAL ILLNESS. ADDICTION AND DEPRESSION. All of it radically cuts short the life you are meant to live. All of it is an evil curse straight from hell.

Aren’t you tired of it? It’s time to find freedom by first finding the One who created you. Please check out my book. Don’t ever give up hope! And let me know how I can pray for you today. 

Big Love,

Amy xoxoxoxo  

#healedovernight #healed #miracles #amykeesee #amykeeseefreudiger #tumor #faith #healings #supernatural #testimonies #healingstories


Baby Number Three Birth Story


Hey everyone! It’s been a little bit since I’ve written, mostly due to the fact that I was busy growing, birthing, and caring for a mini human :) Baby Revere Everett was born March 13, and he is such an amazing addition to our family. We are all so in love with him, and it’s been the easiest transition of the three. My 6-year-old girl and 4-year-old boy are smitten with him!  

Today is actually my little girl’s birthday, and so I’ve been thinking back on my first experience with birth compared to this last one. I’ve learned some things about faith since that first, so I thought I would share my birth story.

From the beginning of this pregnancy, I started saying, “This is my best and easiest pregnancy and delivery yet!” That went along with our overall confession for 2018, that it would be our best year yet. While I am six years older than with my first pregnancy, I have to say that it was a great pregnancy!

I had to fight off some wrong thoughts about my body in the beginning because I started off weighing more than with the other two. I had gained weight due to the fact that life had been crazy — we had been renovating a big fixer upper house for six months, and we actually moved in the week I found out I was expecting. I had to fight off fears like, “You’re going to get vericoss veins.” “Your back will hurt!” “You’re not in shape so this is going to be harder.” But each time a thought like that would come, I would immediately speak the opposite. I would say, “Lord, even though my body isn’t as lean as I would like, I thank you that it has the grace to carry this baby without pain or problems. Thank you that my veins are strong. My blood sugar levels are perfect. I will never have complications if any kind. This is my easiest yet.”

I did not have nausea as long as I ate enough protein, and I didn’t have weird aversions to food or sensitivity to smells. I did not have back pain. My veins were just fine, with not even a small spider vein. In the last few weeks, I dealt with the usual hip pressure, sleeplessness, and tiredness, as my body prepared for birth.

in the last two months of pregnancy my dad started preaching about the sabbath rest promised to those who are in Christ. He taught about what it means to rest in God’s ability to perform His Word, and that we have been set free from painful toil and striving anxiously. I took that word and applied it to my confession over the delivery. I said, “This is my ‘Sabbath Rest’ baby! Lord thank you for the grace over my birth experience. Thank you for your ability filling me, and that it will not be a birth of painful tool or striving. It will be a restful birth, and this baby will be a restful baby.”

Now, I will tell you what I was believing for medically. During my first birth, I had some back labor due to the baby being in a wrong position. After a few hours I was DONE with that! So Jason laid his hands on me and commanded the baby to turn and the back labor to stop. Within that hour it completely stopped and I went to sleep for awhile. The back labor didn’t come back because baby moved. So I added that to my prayer list for the next two: no back labor, and baby in correct position. Also, during my first I had a cervical lip, where a part of the cervix gets in the way of the baby’s head decending. That slowed things down. I added that to my list of things to believe for during my second and third deliveries: no cervical lip. During my first and especially second deliveries, I had good labors, but pushing was hard and took a long time. So for this one I thanked God that I would deliver easily and quickly. I prayed for less than four contractions for the baby to be out. I also prayed for pushing to feel like a relief, because I had never had what some women describe as the “urge to push.” I prayed for a quick easy labor, under five hours.

The week Revere was due, I was very impatient. I even cried a couple times to my husband that I just wanted to hold my baby and not be pregnant any more. Lol! Mamas, can you relate? Hormones are raging! I was so done with not being able to move quickly and easily. I felt huge. His due date came and went, and I had to fight to keep a positive attitude. I kept confessing God’s Word and listening to a recording called, “Childbirth in the Glory,” available on iTunes.

Three days after his due date, we went for a long walk outdoors to get my mind off of the waiting game. We went to buy groceries, and then got some stir fry. As soon as I got home and sat down for a bit, I started to have contractions, but they were very light. I started timing them at 7-10 minutes apart, but they weren’t consistent. I went to take a shower while Jason got the other two ready for bed. 

While in the shower I had two contractions back to back. I let Jason know but told him they were very light, and it might not be the real thing. He proceeded to call the midwife and those I wanted at the birth, asking them to come on over. When I got out of the shower, he announced that everyone was on their way. I was kinda shocked lol! I again told him that I wasn’t 100% sure this was it, because things were light. I didn’t want them to be disappointed if it was a false alarm. However, he had heard too many stories of second and third babies coming quickly, and he was not wanting to deliver the baby himself. The midwife had decided to come spend the night since snow was coming and she didn’t want to drive in the middle of the night if things did progress. Good thing she did!

The midwife arrived around 11:30pm and announced that I was already dilated 4cm and was fully effaced. She hadn’t slept much the night prior, so she went to sleep in another room, thinking it could be a while before truly active labor kicked in. 

Jason put on some of our favorite comedians to watch, and let’s just say that laughing definitely helped speed things up! At midnight, my water broke and contractions started coming every 2-4 minutes. I had to start breathing through them, versus the light contractions I could talk through. 

At 1 a.m. we went upstairs to the bedroom and nursery, because I didn’t want to climb my long spiraled staircase at the last minute. The contractions had been very manageable and non-painful, but I could feel that the baby would be here soon, so we woke the midwife at 1:30a.m. Then transition kicked in. 

We had a birth pool, but because things had progressed very rapidly from light labor to transition, they had a hard time getting it filled up with water in time.  I really wanted to get in during transition because it truly relaxes the body and makes everything feel lighter. Finally, I was able to get in at 1:50a.m. And it felt so wonderful! Suddenly, I felt the unexplainable, uncontrollable urge to push. And what I had heard was true: it was a relief! 

In only three contractions, little buddy was looking up into my eyes with the sweetest love I will never forget. He just stared at me adoringly, bright eyed and alert. He didn’t cry much.  It was exactly 2a.m. on the dot. I couldn’t believe it was already over! In fact, I didn’t even know for sure that his head was out by the time he was fully born! Pushing had been the easiest, quickest part. I had only been in labor for three and a half hours, not all of which felt like fully active labor. In fact, I don’t think I’m going to call it “labor” anymore. It was simply resting in the Lord and trusting my body to do the work. It was delivering a baby, not laboring, toiling or striving in pain. 

I had no complications, and baby was perfectly healthy. The joy that filled me was uncontrollable, spilling over into tears and laughter. Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, a fuzzy little head full of downy brown hair, and the sweetest little delicate face was laid in my arms and in my heart forever. We rested well that night, with our sabbath rest baby.

Aren’t babies such a nice way to start a human life? Haha!

Now came the hard part — we didn’t have a name chosen! We had several options, but we truly didn’t know which to choose. We prayed and talked, but it wasn’t until he had been in the world for 36 hours that we knew what his name should be. He was such a peaceful, loving baby, with eyes full of reverence.  

I read a scripture that said the following, and then we knew: 

Malachi 4:2 says, “But for you who REVERE my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.”

Jason said, “I think his name should be Revere.” 

“That’s exactly what I like best,” I said. 


In this birth experience I received the specific things I prayed for, without exception. But this is my third time around, so I have built my faith and learned some things about delivery since my first. The greatest thing I have learned is to speak truth over myself and the baby during the pregnancy and delivery, visualizing what that truth looks and feels like. On your first, you have no clue what to expect and often don’t know how to pray. But on the next babies you have an understanding of how to work with your body and what to believe God for. Faith is very specific. Believing you are going to have a painful delivery is going to produce a painful delivery. Fear of something has the power to produce, just like faith had the power to produce. So I have learned to treat fear like poison. I don’t take it into my soul. I dont let it in the door of my mind, by choice. I willfully choose positive beliefs that line up with God’s promises. 

And as my son’s name suggests, I have learned to revere the Creator God above all others. His grace is stronger than my weakness. His power is enough for me. His loving kindness toward me is always astounding.  

For more encouragement on pregancy and delivery, check out, “The Know How Book on Birth” by my mother Drenda Keesee and myself. It’s available on Amazon or Drenda.com. 


our little family

our little family

The moment you meet your child is so special

Winning the War for Healing

Jericho's walls were brought down, not by physical force, but by belief in God's instructions to them.

Jericho's walls were brought down, not by physical force, but by belief in God's instructions to them.

When bodies are living in the kingdom of darkness they become a breeding ground for all kinds of evil and darkness. When we are born again into the kingdom of God we transfer kingdoms from darkness to light, and our spirits become brand new. but it is our responsibility to kick the darkness out of our SOUL REALM and our PHYSICAL BODIES through the Holy Spirit. To do this, we must allow the Holy Spirit to first reveal it to us and then to give us the power to be cleansed of it. His light will show us what's going on if we will ask him.

That's what I did when I didn't receive healing in my body for nine years. I got desperate enough that I cried out to him in a week long liquid fast and asked Him to show me where I was missing it. He did. I saw the ugliness of the self hatred I had allowed to eat me up from the inside. I saw several other mindsets that were twisting the powerful, righteous, holy daughter of God that I was. In other words, my problem came down to identity and self-perception. But for you, it may be something different. I've seen many people bound by unforgiveness, hurt, victim mentality, hopelessness and fear. They can't receive their healing because those things are the predominant thought in their life. You can't reach for the crystal vase on the top shelf in your kitchen when your hands are full of garbage that you've picked up from the floor. You've got to throw away the garbage, get out the step stool (something that boosts you to the level you need to be), and reach for that precious crystal vase.

We must not allow darkness to continue to multiply in our thoughts, in our actions, or in our bodies. When we host things like stress in our bodies we are hosting darkness. That darkness can multiply in our bodies in the forms of illness and cancer and disease. Stress and fear and worry are proven factors in many many illnesses. Satan is the author of fear, and fear is the opposite of faith. When we are operating in fear and stress, we are operating in the kingdom of darkness, using his playbook and his rules. It's not a fair game! But when we turn to the kingdom of light and start playing by God's rules, using His playbook, satan might as well give up, because it's now HIS losing fight. When you play by his rules he is going to win the game every time. He is the author of lies and cannot tell the truth, so we must stop operating in his form of living. We must stop playing by the rules of darkness. We must start walking by faith.

The Bible says to capture every thought and make it obedient to Christ, and I believe that when we do that we are taking hostages—prisoners of war. Those evil, dark, tormenting thoughts do not belong in your territory. They are hostages that you must take and put to death. They are foreign entities, and if you internalize them and allow them to settle in your mind like an illegal foreigner, you will start to lose who you are. Your identity will start to be shaken. It is like when a Country allows floods of illegal immigrants in from other countries. The country starts to lose their own identity as a nation because they are hosting so many foreign entities. You can lose God's culture of healing in your life when you host too many foreign thoughts of illness and death.

You are creating a culture around your life, whether you know it or not. Is the culture you are allowing around your life (and propagating in others' lives) one of darkness or light? From a secular standpoint there is a profound difference in those who survive something like cancer and those who succumb to it, based solely on their will to live. The will to live is nothing more than a positive hope for the future. It is faith. People don't even realize they are operating in faith sometimes when they have that will to live—but basically they have just decided not to allow their life force to be given over and taken hostage by fear. How much more powerful is it to put your faith in the Life Giver? Have faith not only in yourself, but in the life that God intended for you to live, and in the God who makes all things possible.

We must take captive every foreign entity and spirit of darkness that would try to invade our territory, our bodies, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal them to use when they try to cross the borders of our minds. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, and the only thing that the enemy can truly do to stop us is to quietly and secretly invade our bodies so that we start to give up some of our territory. He does this in a sneaky way through our thoughts. We internalize those thoughts because we don't realize they are not our own thoughts—they are from Satan. I know that I used to think, "That's just me. I'm just dumb." But I had to realize those thoughts were NOT ME. They were coming from a demonic spirit sent on assignment to harass me and destroy me. When I realized that, I took a strong stand against every thought that disobeyed God's way of living. I started commanding the spirits of sickness, fear, self-hatred, and pain to leave me forever, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! You see, satan doesn't show up with a pitchfork at your door, like my dad says. He sneaks in and we start to believe his lies, accepting them as part of who we are. Pretty soon, those lies of darkness start to manifest in the physical realm. Thoughts create beliefs, and beliefs create the words we speak, and words create our world.

Darkness multiplies darkness. But light multiplies light. if we allow the light of God's Word into our lives, it starts to literally destroy darkness, creating new pathways in the brain, sparking new beliefs in the heart. It starts to break apart the enemy's strongholds. Sending the Scriptures into your spirit is like sending ammunition into a war. You can't just make yourself believe God, but sending scripture into your spirit builds a stronghold against satan and shoots down his lies, one by one. It may take time to see the full results of this spiritual warfare, depending on the strength and height of the strongholds (beliefs) that satan has gotten you to build in your heart. But I promise you, if you will attack those lies with every force of the Lord and promise He gave you, it WILL cause victory to come!

Check out some of my blog posts featuring some of my favorite scriptures, and make sure you read my book "Healed Overnight." Perhaps my journey will shed some light on your own. May God bless you! You are healed!

Need Some Encouragement?

Storms may come, but we serve the God who says, "Peace be still," and the wind and waves obey.

Storms may come, but we serve the God who says, "Peace be still," and the wind and waves obey.

Let’s face it—life can be chaotic, discouraging, and stressful. But we don't have to be in chaos, discouraged, or stressed out! We may not be able to do life on our own, but that's a good thing. We need Someone Greater. When our minds get bogged down with the pressures and the problems and the pursuits of living, we must run to the calm of our Father God's arms.

That’s why reading scriptures out loud is like a drink of cold water on a hot day. The refreshing power of the promises of God can sustain us when all else feels dry. It may not seem like a big deal, but let me tell you, reading the Word of God out loud is a GAMECHANGER. It is what changed my mindset and helped me truly believe for my physical healing, even in the face of pain and circumstances.

So here are some scriptures on encouragement and peace. May they sustain you on a dry day. Remember, you are never alone. You are loved and more valuable to God than you’ll ever be able to fathom.

You can do this through HIM.




“From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2

 “When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, Then You knew my path.” Psalm 142:3

 “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.” Isaiah 40:28

 “But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” John 14:1

 “There is none holy like the LORD: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. For there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God.” I Samuel 2:2

 “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.” Psalm 28:7

 “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.” Psalm 37:5

 “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way.” Psalm 37:23

 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10

 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9

 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27

 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

 “On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” John 20:19

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.” Romans 14:17-19

 “Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” 2 Corinthians 13:11

 “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2

 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9

 “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.”

Romans 5:1-2, 5-6, 8-11 NIV



My little miracles...

My little miracles...

When I look at the photo above of my son and daughter from a few years ago, it takes me back. Back to cuddles before bedtime, sweet baby kisses, and yes, many stressful moments. When I see these sweet faces and bemoan how fast they are growing up, I can't help but think that if we could all have this "few-years-from-now" perspective on life, we would not allow those stressful moments to get the best of us.

You see, there were many days when my kids were this age that I didn't have enough hands, nor energy, to work my job as worship pastor, keep my house, cook and shop, be a good friend and relative, let alone spend enough time with God. It was non-stop from morning till night—can I get an amen from parents who have a toddler and a baby? It was a sweet, but oh-so-overwhelming time in my life as a new mother.

And looking back now, I'm ashamed—not that I wasn't able to answer every email, or that there were dirty dishes in the sink, or that I didn't have time to exercise, or that the kids sometimes didn't get a bath as often as they should've. No! Now I'm ashamed of how many precious moments I missed with my kids because I was busy being stressed out. I'm ashamed of every moment I lost my temper or felt sorry for myself. I'm ashamed of every moment I wasted on social media or television when my children were trying to tell me something. Thankfully, I don't have to live in shame, because Jesus has given me grace for every mistake and thoughtless word. But hindsight is always 20/20.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a bad mother then, but I feel that I'm a better mother now. Why? Because of perspective. I've been doing this mom thing for almost five years now, because (gasp!) my daughter is about to turn five in two weeks! Oh WHEN did she change out of her toddler ways and become a little girl?! But yes, it has happened. And it's given me perspective.

I wish I could go back and kiss these little baby faces again...and take back every moment when I lost it, or sighed and huffed about having to do a motherly task, or raised my voice at toddler tantrums. It helps me keep perspective to see this photo of these little faces, because now I don't even care about how many times they kept me up at night or how many times I felt completely exhausted and stressed. I remember the good times, the snuggles, the staggering steps, the first birthdays, the little eyes lovingly watching me, the tiny voices lisping out first words.

And that's how our lives are—in the end, it's the people who matter more than the tasks, it's the good moments that count. WE ALL NEED PERSPECTIVE so we don't give up, grow weary, lose our joy, or let go of our purpose. When all is said and done, it will not be the to do lists that count, but the people we brought along with us to heaven that matter.

Sure, we all have tasks and duties, and I'm not saying not to accomplish what you need to. But we must not sacrifice the people in our lives or our sense of well-being for the tasks we've been given. We must always remind ourselves that we GET TO do those tasks. We GET TO be a wife and mother because, praise God, we HAVE a husband and children. We GET to go to work, because, praise God, we HAVE a job and income! We GET to endure persecution for our faith, because, praise God, we HAVE a Savior! Jesus was betrayed by best friends, faced with unbelievable stress (how do you feed 20,000 people without any food?), given disciples who hadn't a clue half the time, no support from the church leaders of his day, and even persecuted to the point of death. But he overcame this world and so can we! He kept focused on eternal rewards, rather than "these light and momentary afflictions." Seriously, how is it that I allow such small things to take away my joy and zeal for life? It happens when I lose perspective.

So next time you are tempted to lose your joy because the line at Starbucks is taking too long or the kids are too hyper or your husband is too preoccupied or your job is highly stressful or your family doesn't understand or your friends betray you or your body doesn't look the way you want or you can't afford that new dress......KEEP PERSPECTIVE. Remember that life is too short to waste a second on self pity, self hatred, or self consciousness. Heaven is too real to ignore that person in your life who needs to hear about Jesus. Kids grow too fast to let their immaturity cause you to act immature and lose it. Marriage is too precious to allow cutting remarks or division to enter.


Every Disease Defeated

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5 NIV

Have you ever read this scripture—I mean really thought about it— and wondered what "by his wounds we are healed" really means?

Here's what I have discovered: When Jesus was whipped beyond recognition, every single drop of his innocent blood poured out on the ground. It was the very ground that Adam had sinned upon, the ground upon which Cain had spilled his brother Abel's blood, the ground upon which Israel had revolted and built idols to other gods, the ground that humanity had trod for thousands of years.

But in one moment of mercy, God Himself was here, tied to a whipping post, being tortured for those very sins.

It would have been enough if His blood had been shed for our sins to be forgiven. After all, that would be way more than we could ever deserve. But in Isaiah 53:5 and as demonstrated by Jesus' life, we see that He came to bring us so much more than just forgiveness. He came to RESTORE EDEN to us.

You see, when Adam and Eve broke allegiance with God and instead gave over their allegiance to Satan, they chose the way of death. By choosing Satan, they chose all that he had to offer: sickness, depravity, fear, pain, lack, sadness, and ultimately death. He is the father of all lies, and there is no good in him. Therefore, Adam and Eve, who had been given a "lease" to the earth, transferred that lease to their new master. No longer was God welcomed to come and hang out with humanity. No longer was His goodness free to flow. After all, He created mankind with the ability to CHOOSE his master, to choose his destiny, to choose his allegiance.

The earth fell into darkness and death, turning on itself, falling from perfection to perversion. That's where Jesus comes in. Immediately, God enacted a plan to save his children from their new master and give them back the ability to choose Him. But to give us back that choice and the power to break fellowship with darkness, He had to pay the debt we had incurred through our sins. I think all of us will agree that we humans have issues. We may want to do good, but we still do evil. We hurt each other. We betray trust. We steal and fight and gossip and tear down, even when we don't mean to. God had to pay our bail...or more like, pay to wipe our record clean.

When Jesus came and paid that price, He also made a way for us to escape the effects of this earth's master, satan. He made a way for us to get back to Eden. He made a way for us to have the same power over satan that God Himself has. I'm not making this stuff up—it's all in the Bible. I didn't say all this, God did.

So when I say that He gave us freedom from the plunge into darkness that the earth took on Adam's dark day, I mean He gave us freedom from sickness and disease, too. All that pain and illness and suffering wasn't here in the original creation, and it doesn't have to be in our lives now.

"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.' He redeemed us so that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit." - Galatians 3:13-14 NIV

If you have given the allegiance of your life over to Jesus Christ, putting your trust in Him, then He has given you His power and authority to live free from your old master Satan.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - John 10:10

You do NOT have to live like a slave to the effects of this cursed earth or to your old master. You are now God's child, and you belong to His household. Now, if Satan can convince you (as he has so many Christians) that you do NOT have power over him or his ways, then you will experience his way of life: loss, death, and destruction. But if you will fully believe in Jesus and the power He has given you, enforcing it with your words spoken out loud, you will experience life more abundantly.

God is into you defeating Satan. He really loves it when you kick out all effects of this earth curse and walk in His life. Sickness belongs to this worldly kingdom, but you aren't a part of that anymore. You're part of God's Kingdom, and He is your Master. Now, it's up to you to believe it and enforce it whenever sickness comes knocking at the door of your life.

Every disease has already been defeated for you, with Jesus' blood paying the price so you could live free.

Check out my book "Healed Overnight" on Amazon.com today!

Things I'm Excited About Today

Hello, friend! Just wanted to let you know about a few things that I’m excited about today, in case you were curious about my life right now :)

1.     Fall is almost here, which means s’mores, bonfires, fall leaves, sweaters, boots, and harvest time! I just love the crispness that is already coming into the air here in Ohio. Anyone else love this time of year? You’ll find me in my hammock every moment I have to spare (which isn’t a lot haha!)

2.     My worship band Open Heaven just released LION OF JUDAH, our second worship album, available for pre-orders now on iTunes. Check out the video above, and then head over to iTunes or our website www.openheavenband.com. Timesaver: Text LION to 51555 for a quick link to the iTunes store site

3.     My husband and I are in contract on a house, entering inspection period, and totally blown away at how God has worked it all out so far. We are praying that if this is OUR home, all will continue to go smoothly and we will be closing by the first week of October. Once we close, I’ll share some pictures – we will definitely be extra busy, as it needs some TLC! But once fixed up, it will truly be a house of dreams!

4.     My book “Healed Overnight: My Encounter with the Supernatural” is continuing to get out to people who need hope and help in the area of health. I’m continuing to hear stories of healings. The book will be available in paperback on Amazon.com this upcoming week, for those who prefer paper to digital reads (ME!)

5.     I will be speaking and leading worship at the Love Encounter Women’s Conference here in Columbus, OH at my home church on Oct. 6-8, and I can’t wait! To find out more info and to register, go to wc.drenda.com and make sure to come say hi to me if you attend! Thursday night consists of an awesome service AND a party afterglow, complete with food and music. Friday will be jam packed full of chocolate, coffee, workshops, main sessions with awesome speakers, girl time, TONS of shopping (second hand clothes for a cause, jewelry and more), more dancing, and completing the night with an old fashioned “revival” service! Saturday will have some special surprises, too. I truly hope you can join myself, my mother Drenda Keesee, Dawn Chere Wilkerson, Deanza Duran, and many others for an encounter with Father God—Love Himself.

6.     My worship team and I will be traveling to Atlanta in October to lead worship for the Financial Revolution Conference at the Westin Perimeter. Check out the details and come on out. The revelation and intense faith jolt you will receive at this event will rock your entire walk with God! www.garykeesee.com

And that about sums it up for today haha! Life is full, but good. I’m homeschooling my daughter Journey this fall, and looking forward to teaching her how to read. I love reading so much! I am also the Worship Director at my church, with the privilege of doing life with amazing teams of people who challenge me to continue growing in my love for God.

I pray that you are experiencing God’s goodness, and I pray that you experience health and wellness. Don’t participate in flu season! Stand your ground against the “curses” of this world, because you’ve been redeemed from the curse of the law. Jesus took it all, according to the Bible. You CAN walk in God’s promise of divine health and soul prosperity.

Much love,



Rikki's Story: From Certain Surgery to Healing Celebration!

When I read the text, my jaw hit the floor and tears started streaming down my face. One of my friends, Liz, had given my new book, “Healed Overnight,” to her co-worker, Rikki. Her story was almost unbelievable. Here's the text I received from Liz about Rikki's doctor's appointment, one day before her surgery:

For many years, Rikki had suffered severe fibroid tumors. She had already had one procedure to shrink them, but they just came back, this time even larger. In the words of her doctor, "It is impossible for fibroid tumors to go away on their own." The tumors were causing all manner of discomfort, symptoms, and embarrassment, as her abdomen protruded noticeably. Her doctor insisted on scheduling her for surgery to remove the two fruit-sized tumors.

It was then that Rikki received my book, "Healed Overnight," which tells of my own dramatic healing from a growth in my abdomen. As Rikki read my book, took my prescribed "thirty-day challenge," and spoke God's Word over her body, she felt assurance rise up inside of her. She did NOT want to have this surgery. She wanted these tumors removed by God!

One morning, several weeks before the scheduled surgery, Rikki woke up and felt something different in her body. Looking in the mirror, she saw what her faith had already seen—those tumors were gone! She had been completely healed overnight! Those two hard masses that used to stick out from her abdomen had simply disappeared.

She called her doctor to tell him the good news, but his office refused to schedule a check up before surgery. “It’s impossible for those to go away on their own,” she was told again. “We will see you at your pre-operation appointment the day before your surgery.” Rikki hung up the phone in shock. Fine, she would wait till her pre-op appointment to show her doctor the miracle.

Meanwhile I got a text from Liz telling me Rikki came to work and showed Liz the miracle. I was so excited, and I could not WAIT for Rikki to have her doctor confirm what we already knew—she had been healed overnight.

Sure enough, Rikki went to her pre-op appointment and her doctor was baffled. “I’ll see you in six months to make sure they haven’t come back,” he told Rikki, seeming somewhat confused and even agitated.

After seeing her brand new body, the doctor sent her home!

Rikki’s daughter and mother had bought plane tickets to come in town and help her recover from surgery —the surgery she didn't have to have! So the three of them had a week of celebration instead of surgery recovery!

rikki journal entry up close web.jpg

She showed me the picture of her little journal entry she had written into her copy of my book the day she started reading it. It says, "Today I scheduled my surgery for 9 Aug. 2016...BUT GOD." By the end of the book, she knew that God had already chosen to heal her body, and she received it, like a confident child. It was Rikki’s tenacious belief in God’s ability and her stubborn refusal to pay attention to the fearful thoughts that kept trying to come. When she focused all of her attention on God’s Word, it completely eliminated the problem! She was healed overnight, just as I was. 

When I got the text from Liz saying that Rikki’s doctor had cancelled the surgery because the tumors were gone, I had my own church service with my husband in our bedroom, praising Jesus for His goodness. I know that feeling, the feeling Rikki experienced when she awoke to a pain-free, tumor-free body. It is a feeling of overwhelming gratitude. And it is also an assurance that God IS real. God IS able. God IS willing. God IS here.  

Folks, God wants to do a miracle in your life...and in fact, He wants miracles to be an everyday occurrence in your life!

If you haven't read my book, “Healed Overnight,” I would love for you to give me the opportunity to share my story. In it I give you the five keys to healing that God showed me during my journey, along with thirty healing scriptures that changed my life. It’s an easy, quick read that you can pull out anytime you are facing a mountain that needs to move out of your way. For you it might not be a tumor, it may be a financial hardship, a broken heart, a lack of confidence, a loss of dreams. Whatever YOUR mountain is today, Jesus said that you have the power to speak to it and watch it move. I didn’t say that, God Himself did.

It’s hard to argue with God.

Celebrating Life,


PS- If you know someone like Rikki who is struggling with an illness, please do what Liz did and share a copy with them! You never know when it may mean the difference of surgery or celebration, life or death, pain or peace.  Let me hear from you, too, if you have comments, questions, or celebrations!

God Told Me to Tell You...

God Told Me to Tell You…


When I was in prayer recently, God spoke very clearly to my heart and said the following, which nearly knocked my breath out. It was so forceful and clear in my spirit, it was almost like hearing the audible voice of God. It was also spoken with a force that brought an incredible urgency to my soul. God desperately wants us to get this! So here it is:

“Many people are worried about how something is going to happen. ‘How’ is not a problem to be solved, it's a solution waiting to happen. And it is My job to make it happen through you,” says the Lord. “If you will simply follow My step-by-step instructions and soak your mind in the word so you do not allow the cares of life to choke out your faith, all things shall be possible for you. In this last hour, I look for sons and daughters who are ruminating in the Word; who are soaking their souls in the Word; who are meditating day and night on what I say. And I search for those who are not looking at what the world says about them or to them.”

“Those who listen to what I say will have what I have. Those who do what I do will have what I have. Those who step out in faith will have the fruit of faith. Those who walk in My ways will see good days. Stop thinking about the how—stop worrying about it and stop problem-solving it. You are to be solution-minded, not problem-minded. Stop looking at the lack and asking, ‘How?’ Stop seeing the ‘how’ as a problem.

 “Don’t you think that I know how?! Do you not think that I know how everything works!? I formed every mitochondria and cell in the world. I breathed the atoms and the molecules into existence. I fused the table of elements. The energy in my voice literally created balls of energy that you call stars. And then I named all the stars for fun. I created so many animals that you cannot name them all and you cannot know them all. But each and every one is different and brings Me glory in a different way.

“How I long to see creation renewed. How I long to see My children walking in the fruit of faith in Me. If you will take the ceiling off of your life and realize that all things are possible, then fear will bounce off of you like rain off of a windshield. You will see it on the outside but it will not touch you or make you wet."


Now, anytime God speaks to me, I always go to the Bible to back up what I have heard. Why? God will never speak something to us that is not already proven in His written Word.

Here is the scripture that He led me to, which is a famous passage from Jesus Himself:

"Therefore I tell you, stop being worried or anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted) about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, as to what you will wear. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow [seed] nor reap [the harvest] nor gather [the crops] into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 And who of you by worrying can add one [a]hour to [the length of] his life? 28 And why are you worried about clothes? See how the lilies and wildflowers of the field grow; they do not labor nor do they spin [wool to make clothing], 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory and splendor dressed himself like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive and green today and tomorrow is [cut and] thrown [as fuel] into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31 Therefore do not worry or be anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted), saying, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ 32 For the [pagan] Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; [but do not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also." (Matt. 6:25-34 AMP)

God knows everything, sees everything, created everything. It’s not like He doesn’t know what He’s doing! He knows the HOW, and He will show it to us. We need not worry, for He is all-knowing. He reminded Job of this when God said:

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you know and have understanding…Since your days began, have you ever commanded the morning, And caused the dawn to know its place, so that light may take hold of the corners of the earth and shake the wickedness out of it? Have you understood the expanse of the earth? Tell Me, if you know all this.” (Job 38:4,12-13, 18)

We don’t have to live in fear, because we have the ANSWER! God’s peace and His power are a guard against fear. Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]” (AMP).

 He has given you freedom from fear and worry today. You and Jesus CAN DO ALL THINGS! And I believe in you. Get out there and get to it!

Celebrating Life,


The Healing Scriptures That Set Me Free!

It is the pure Word of God that has the power to cause change in our hearts and in our bodies. When I had a growth in my abdomen weighing over 13 pounds, I decided to do a "30-Day Word Challenge" to build up my faith and tear down my fears. When I put in the work to build my faith and speak to my body (just like Jesus did), THAT TUMOR INSTANTLY DISAPPEARED! I challenge you to do the same. How? Here's an idea of what my 30-day challenge looked like:

1. Read these scriptures OUT LOUD over your body at least three times per day for 30 days.

2. During that 30 days, fast all media, books, music, and radio that is not centered on God's Word.

3. Intentionally HEAR the Word of God with your spirit, not just your flesh. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the meaning behind each verse.

4. During the 30 days, spend extra time in prayer asking Father God to reveal any roots that need to be removed from the garden of your heart. Perhaps that will include inner vows (promises you've made to yourself), curses you've spoken, unforgiveness and bitterness you've held onto, wrong influences you've taken in, sin or immoral actions you've participated in, soul ties you've made in ungodly relationships, or occultic/demonic influences you've been involved in. He will show you what needs removed so you can walk free, spirit, soul and body!

And now, here are the healing scriptures I stood on, although there are MANY others you can find in your own searching of the Bible:


Healing Scriptures with Confessions

“He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction." (Psalm 107:20 AMP)

God I thank you that you sent forth your word and healed me. You rescued me from the pit and from destruction.

“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s." (Psalm 103:1-5 NIV)

Lord, I will not forget your benefits, and I thank you that you forgive my sins, you heal my diseases. You redeem my life from the pit. You renew my youth like the eagle.

“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” (Romans 8:11)

The Spirit of God that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in me. He is quickening my mortal body. He is restoring my health.

“They brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: 'He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases.'" (Matthew 8:14)

Thank you Jesus that you took my infirmities, and you carried my diseases.

“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. (Romans 4:20)

I will not waiver in unbelief. I will give glory to God.  I believe God has the power to do what He promises.

“He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave." (Psalm 107:20)

God I receive your word and you heal me.

“Jesus turned and saw her. ‘Take heart, daughter,’ he said, ‘your faith has healed you.’ And the woman was healed from that moment.” (Matt. 9:22)

“O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me." (Psalm 30:2)

“Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." (Jeremiah 17:14)

 “I shall not die but live, and shall declare the works and recount the illustrious acts of the Lord." (Psalm 118:17)

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [curing their pains and their sorrows]." (Psalm 147:3 AMP)

“My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh." (Proverbs 4:20-22)

“You shall serve the Lord your God; He shall bless your bread and water, and will take sickness from your midst." (Exodus 23:25)

“Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil. It shall be health to your nerves and sinews, and marrow and moistening to your bones." (Proverbs 3:7-8)

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers." (3 John 1:2)

“And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; they will pick up serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well." (Mark 16:17-18)

“And He went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news (Gospel) of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every weakness and infirmity among the people. So the report of Him spread throughout all Syria, and they brought Him all who were sick, those afflicted with various diseases and torments, those under the power of demons, and epileptics, and paralyzed people, and He healed them." (Matthew 4:23-24)

“When evening came, they brought to Him many who were under the power of demons, and He drove out the spirits with a word and restored to health all who were sick. And thus He fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, He Himself took [in order to carry away] our weaknesses and infirmities and bore away our diseases." (Matthew 8:16-17)

“Is anyone among you sick? He should call in the church elders (the spiritual guides). And they should pray over him, anointing him with oil in the Lord’s name. And the prayer [that is] of faith will save him who is sick, and the Lord will restore him; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." (James 5:14-15)

“See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” (Isaiah 12:2 NLT)

“And the LORD will protect you from all sickness. He will not let you suffer from the terrible diseases you knew in Egypt, but he will inflict them on all your enemies!" (Deuteronomy 7:15 NLT)

“The LORD protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies. The LORD nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health." (Psalms 41:2-3 NLT)

“A vast crowd brought to him people who were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn’t speak, and many others. They laid them before Jesus, and he healed them all. The crowd was amazed! Those who hadn’t been able to speak were talking, the crippled were made well, the lame were walking, and the blind could see again! And they praised the God of Israel." (Matthew 15:30-31 NLT)

“He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross [willingly offering Himself on it, as on an altar of sacrifice], so that we might die to sin [becoming immune from the penalty and power of sin] and live for righteousness; for by His wounds you [who believe] have been healed." (1 Peter 2:24)

And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19 AMP)

Father, I need healing, and I thank you that you have already supplied the power to regenerate and renew my body! Thank you for supplying my needs according to your riches!

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us].” (Romans 8:37 AMP)

Father God, thank you for overwhelming victory in this situation! I want to bring you glory through this testimony, so I thank you that I live as a conqueror. I am bigger than this problem!

“Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on [a]serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you.” (Luke 10:19)

Jesus, I praise you for giving me the authority to trample on satan! Today, I exercise my authority over him and over anything he would try to bring against me. Nothing shall harm me, according to your Word!

As He [Jesus] entered a village, He was met by ten lepers who stood at a distance; 13 and they raised their voices and called out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” 14 When He saw them, He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were [miraculously] healed and made clean. 15 One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying and praising and honoring God with a loud voice…” (Luke 17:12-15a AMP)


Please let me know how I can pray for you today as you embark on your journey of faith! Take the 30-Day Challenge today!




Are Miracles Real?

In my new book "Healed Overnight," I recount the story of my journey to a miracle. Above, pictures showing before and after the morning I woke up with a brand new body...OVERNIGHT.

In my new book "Healed Overnight," I recount the story of my journey to a miracle. Above, pictures showing before and after the morning I woke up with a brand new body...OVERNIGHT.

That's a question a lot of people are asking right now, perhaps due to the uncertainty and unrest in our nation and world, or maybe due to a personal need for divine intervention in an impossible situation, or maybe due to movies such as "Miracles From Heaven" hitting the box office.

Well, let me introduce you to a miracle: me! Every morning that I wake up and look in the mirror, I know miracles are real. I would love to tell you my story, as told in my new book, "Healed Overnight: My Encounter with the Supernatural."

If you're at all curious, I thought I would share the Introduction from my book to give you an idea of what happened. So here it is! Let me know what you think, and make sure you download my new book from Amazon or iBooks!

Scroll down for the Introduction.


     All teenagers have a certain feeling of invincibility. I was no exception. But at age 18 I found myself in a downhill physical battle that lasted nine years.
     A growth in my abdomen had grown to the size of 13 pounds, the equivalent weight of 15 cans of soda or a large bowling ball. I looked six months pregnant. My spine had so much pressure on it that it was straight in the lower part and the vertebrae stuck out. My lower abdomen often ached, and I could not lay on my stomach. The muscles in my legs always hurt. I had digestion issues. Eating often made me feel nauseous. My organs were displaced by the growth. I suffered several infections. People who didn’t know me were constantly asking if I were pregnant.  I struggled with symptoms for so long, they became the lens through which I viewed myself.  I hated my body because of it.
     But the morning I woke up totally and completely healed, all that changed! I lost 13 pounds and 9 inches in my waist.  Gone.
     I remember themorning I woke up healed just like it were yesterday. The shock. The relief. The almost numb feeling of not being in any pain or discomfort. I sat up in bed and knew something felt strange. But my husband was the one who looked at me and said, “Go look in the mirror.”
     All the pain was over. All the heartache ceased in an instant. My body was healed overnight in a divine encounter with the supernatural realm. The healing was made possible, however, by months of lessons learned that I want to share with you.   

In this book you will learn:
­—Supernatural principles to receiving your healing
—Practical examples of how to apply these principles to your life
—Other people’s real stories of supernatural healings
—Healing scriptures and confessions for meditation
—Answers to big questions concerning miracles and healing

     There were many lessons I learned through my journey that I can’t wait to share with you in this book, woven into the incredible story of how I was healed overnight. I wanted this book to be small enough that you can keep it in your briefcase, purse, or car and pull it out again and again. I also encourage you to keep extra copies to hand out to others who may be facing illness.  
     The thing is, anyone can be healed using the supernatural principles I learned. That’s right, I said everyone, and that includes you. I don’t know your situation, and I don’t know what doctors, family members, friends, or co-workers have told you. I don’t know the name of your diagnosis, but I know a Name that trumps every other name. And I do know that for every problem you face in your life, there is an Answer. There is hope.
     Let me share my experience, my failures, my lessons, and my perspective on how I was healed overnight. I am also excited to tell you other real life stories from others who experienced miraculous healings confirmed by doctors.
     Miracles are real. The supernatural world is real. Scientific studies are confirming this! So I invite you into my story—and into the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible.  
     My story could be your story. Get ready for an encounter with miracles.