Winning the War for Healing

Jericho's walls were brought down, not by physical force, but by belief in God's instructions to them.

Jericho's walls were brought down, not by physical force, but by belief in God's instructions to them.

When bodies are living in the kingdom of darkness they become a breeding ground for all kinds of evil and darkness. When we are born again into the kingdom of God we transfer kingdoms from darkness to light, and our spirits become brand new. but it is our responsibility to kick the darkness out of our SOUL REALM and our PHYSICAL BODIES through the Holy Spirit. To do this, we must allow the Holy Spirit to first reveal it to us and then to give us the power to be cleansed of it. His light will show us what's going on if we will ask him.

That's what I did when I didn't receive healing in my body for nine years. I got desperate enough that I cried out to him in a week long liquid fast and asked Him to show me where I was missing it. He did. I saw the ugliness of the self hatred I had allowed to eat me up from the inside. I saw several other mindsets that were twisting the powerful, righteous, holy daughter of God that I was. In other words, my problem came down to identity and self-perception. But for you, it may be something different. I've seen many people bound by unforgiveness, hurt, victim mentality, hopelessness and fear. They can't receive their healing because those things are the predominant thought in their life. You can't reach for the crystal vase on the top shelf in your kitchen when your hands are full of garbage that you've picked up from the floor. You've got to throw away the garbage, get out the step stool (something that boosts you to the level you need to be), and reach for that precious crystal vase.

We must not allow darkness to continue to multiply in our thoughts, in our actions, or in our bodies. When we host things like stress in our bodies we are hosting darkness. That darkness can multiply in our bodies in the forms of illness and cancer and disease. Stress and fear and worry are proven factors in many many illnesses. Satan is the author of fear, and fear is the opposite of faith. When we are operating in fear and stress, we are operating in the kingdom of darkness, using his playbook and his rules. It's not a fair game! But when we turn to the kingdom of light and start playing by God's rules, using His playbook, satan might as well give up, because it's now HIS losing fight. When you play by his rules he is going to win the game every time. He is the author of lies and cannot tell the truth, so we must stop operating in his form of living. We must stop playing by the rules of darkness. We must start walking by faith.

The Bible says to capture every thought and make it obedient to Christ, and I believe that when we do that we are taking hostages—prisoners of war. Those evil, dark, tormenting thoughts do not belong in your territory. They are hostages that you must take and put to death. They are foreign entities, and if you internalize them and allow them to settle in your mind like an illegal foreigner, you will start to lose who you are. Your identity will start to be shaken. It is like when a Country allows floods of illegal immigrants in from other countries. The country starts to lose their own identity as a nation because they are hosting so many foreign entities. You can lose God's culture of healing in your life when you host too many foreign thoughts of illness and death.

You are creating a culture around your life, whether you know it or not. Is the culture you are allowing around your life (and propagating in others' lives) one of darkness or light? From a secular standpoint there is a profound difference in those who survive something like cancer and those who succumb to it, based solely on their will to live. The will to live is nothing more than a positive hope for the future. It is faith. People don't even realize they are operating in faith sometimes when they have that will to live—but basically they have just decided not to allow their life force to be given over and taken hostage by fear. How much more powerful is it to put your faith in the Life Giver? Have faith not only in yourself, but in the life that God intended for you to live, and in the God who makes all things possible.

We must take captive every foreign entity and spirit of darkness that would try to invade our territory, our bodies, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal them to use when they try to cross the borders of our minds. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, and the only thing that the enemy can truly do to stop us is to quietly and secretly invade our bodies so that we start to give up some of our territory. He does this in a sneaky way through our thoughts. We internalize those thoughts because we don't realize they are not our own thoughts—they are from Satan. I know that I used to think, "That's just me. I'm just dumb." But I had to realize those thoughts were NOT ME. They were coming from a demonic spirit sent on assignment to harass me and destroy me. When I realized that, I took a strong stand against every thought that disobeyed God's way of living. I started commanding the spirits of sickness, fear, self-hatred, and pain to leave me forever, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! You see, satan doesn't show up with a pitchfork at your door, like my dad says. He sneaks in and we start to believe his lies, accepting them as part of who we are. Pretty soon, those lies of darkness start to manifest in the physical realm. Thoughts create beliefs, and beliefs create the words we speak, and words create our world.

Darkness multiplies darkness. But light multiplies light. if we allow the light of God's Word into our lives, it starts to literally destroy darkness, creating new pathways in the brain, sparking new beliefs in the heart. It starts to break apart the enemy's strongholds. Sending the Scriptures into your spirit is like sending ammunition into a war. You can't just make yourself believe God, but sending scripture into your spirit builds a stronghold against satan and shoots down his lies, one by one. It may take time to see the full results of this spiritual warfare, depending on the strength and height of the strongholds (beliefs) that satan has gotten you to build in your heart. But I promise you, if you will attack those lies with every force of the Lord and promise He gave you, it WILL cause victory to come!

Check out some of my blog posts featuring some of my favorite scriptures, and make sure you read my book "Healed Overnight." Perhaps my journey will shed some light on your own. May God bless you! You are healed!

Every Disease Defeated

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5 NIV

Have you ever read this scripture—I mean really thought about it— and wondered what "by his wounds we are healed" really means?

Here's what I have discovered: When Jesus was whipped beyond recognition, every single drop of his innocent blood poured out on the ground. It was the very ground that Adam had sinned upon, the ground upon which Cain had spilled his brother Abel's blood, the ground upon which Israel had revolted and built idols to other gods, the ground that humanity had trod for thousands of years.

But in one moment of mercy, God Himself was here, tied to a whipping post, being tortured for those very sins.

It would have been enough if His blood had been shed for our sins to be forgiven. After all, that would be way more than we could ever deserve. But in Isaiah 53:5 and as demonstrated by Jesus' life, we see that He came to bring us so much more than just forgiveness. He came to RESTORE EDEN to us.

You see, when Adam and Eve broke allegiance with God and instead gave over their allegiance to Satan, they chose the way of death. By choosing Satan, they chose all that he had to offer: sickness, depravity, fear, pain, lack, sadness, and ultimately death. He is the father of all lies, and there is no good in him. Therefore, Adam and Eve, who had been given a "lease" to the earth, transferred that lease to their new master. No longer was God welcomed to come and hang out with humanity. No longer was His goodness free to flow. After all, He created mankind with the ability to CHOOSE his master, to choose his destiny, to choose his allegiance.

The earth fell into darkness and death, turning on itself, falling from perfection to perversion. That's where Jesus comes in. Immediately, God enacted a plan to save his children from their new master and give them back the ability to choose Him. But to give us back that choice and the power to break fellowship with darkness, He had to pay the debt we had incurred through our sins. I think all of us will agree that we humans have issues. We may want to do good, but we still do evil. We hurt each other. We betray trust. We steal and fight and gossip and tear down, even when we don't mean to. God had to pay our bail...or more like, pay to wipe our record clean.

When Jesus came and paid that price, He also made a way for us to escape the effects of this earth's master, satan. He made a way for us to get back to Eden. He made a way for us to have the same power over satan that God Himself has. I'm not making this stuff up—it's all in the Bible. I didn't say all this, God did.

So when I say that He gave us freedom from the plunge into darkness that the earth took on Adam's dark day, I mean He gave us freedom from sickness and disease, too. All that pain and illness and suffering wasn't here in the original creation, and it doesn't have to be in our lives now.

"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.' He redeemed us so that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit." - Galatians 3:13-14 NIV

If you have given the allegiance of your life over to Jesus Christ, putting your trust in Him, then He has given you His power and authority to live free from your old master Satan.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - John 10:10

You do NOT have to live like a slave to the effects of this cursed earth or to your old master. You are now God's child, and you belong to His household. Now, if Satan can convince you (as he has so many Christians) that you do NOT have power over him or his ways, then you will experience his way of life: loss, death, and destruction. But if you will fully believe in Jesus and the power He has given you, enforcing it with your words spoken out loud, you will experience life more abundantly.

God is into you defeating Satan. He really loves it when you kick out all effects of this earth curse and walk in His life. Sickness belongs to this worldly kingdom, but you aren't a part of that anymore. You're part of God's Kingdom, and He is your Master. Now, it's up to you to believe it and enforce it whenever sickness comes knocking at the door of your life.

Every disease has already been defeated for you, with Jesus' blood paying the price so you could live free.

Check out my book "Healed Overnight" on today!

Rikki's Story: From Certain Surgery to Healing Celebration!

When I read the text, my jaw hit the floor and tears started streaming down my face. One of my friends, Liz, had given my new book, “Healed Overnight,” to her co-worker, Rikki. Her story was almost unbelievable. Here's the text I received from Liz about Rikki's doctor's appointment, one day before her surgery:

For many years, Rikki had suffered severe fibroid tumors. She had already had one procedure to shrink them, but they just came back, this time even larger. In the words of her doctor, "It is impossible for fibroid tumors to go away on their own." The tumors were causing all manner of discomfort, symptoms, and embarrassment, as her abdomen protruded noticeably. Her doctor insisted on scheduling her for surgery to remove the two fruit-sized tumors.

It was then that Rikki received my book, "Healed Overnight," which tells of my own dramatic healing from a growth in my abdomen. As Rikki read my book, took my prescribed "thirty-day challenge," and spoke God's Word over her body, she felt assurance rise up inside of her. She did NOT want to have this surgery. She wanted these tumors removed by God!

One morning, several weeks before the scheduled surgery, Rikki woke up and felt something different in her body. Looking in the mirror, she saw what her faith had already seen—those tumors were gone! She had been completely healed overnight! Those two hard masses that used to stick out from her abdomen had simply disappeared.

She called her doctor to tell him the good news, but his office refused to schedule a check up before surgery. “It’s impossible for those to go away on their own,” she was told again. “We will see you at your pre-operation appointment the day before your surgery.” Rikki hung up the phone in shock. Fine, she would wait till her pre-op appointment to show her doctor the miracle.

Meanwhile I got a text from Liz telling me Rikki came to work and showed Liz the miracle. I was so excited, and I could not WAIT for Rikki to have her doctor confirm what we already knew—she had been healed overnight.

Sure enough, Rikki went to her pre-op appointment and her doctor was baffled. “I’ll see you in six months to make sure they haven’t come back,” he told Rikki, seeming somewhat confused and even agitated.

After seeing her brand new body, the doctor sent her home!

Rikki’s daughter and mother had bought plane tickets to come in town and help her recover from surgery —the surgery she didn't have to have! So the three of them had a week of celebration instead of surgery recovery!

rikki journal entry up close web.jpg

She showed me the picture of her little journal entry she had written into her copy of my book the day she started reading it. It says, "Today I scheduled my surgery for 9 Aug. 2016...BUT GOD." By the end of the book, she knew that God had already chosen to heal her body, and she received it, like a confident child. It was Rikki’s tenacious belief in God’s ability and her stubborn refusal to pay attention to the fearful thoughts that kept trying to come. When she focused all of her attention on God’s Word, it completely eliminated the problem! She was healed overnight, just as I was. 

When I got the text from Liz saying that Rikki’s doctor had cancelled the surgery because the tumors were gone, I had my own church service with my husband in our bedroom, praising Jesus for His goodness. I know that feeling, the feeling Rikki experienced when she awoke to a pain-free, tumor-free body. It is a feeling of overwhelming gratitude. And it is also an assurance that God IS real. God IS able. God IS willing. God IS here.  

Folks, God wants to do a miracle in your life...and in fact, He wants miracles to be an everyday occurrence in your life!

If you haven't read my book, “Healed Overnight,” I would love for you to give me the opportunity to share my story. In it I give you the five keys to healing that God showed me during my journey, along with thirty healing scriptures that changed my life. It’s an easy, quick read that you can pull out anytime you are facing a mountain that needs to move out of your way. For you it might not be a tumor, it may be a financial hardship, a broken heart, a lack of confidence, a loss of dreams. Whatever YOUR mountain is today, Jesus said that you have the power to speak to it and watch it move. I didn’t say that, God Himself did.

It’s hard to argue with God.

Celebrating Life,


PS- If you know someone like Rikki who is struggling with an illness, please do what Liz did and share a copy with them! You never know when it may mean the difference of surgery or celebration, life or death, pain or peace.  Let me hear from you, too, if you have comments, questions, or celebrations!