Flooded With LIFE!

Do you know that feeling of getting a little damp during a springtime rain storm as you run from your house to the car? Now, contrast that with the feeling of jumping off the diving board into a cool swimming pool on a hot, sweaty summer day, after you’ve been doing difficult yard work. The feeling of the water totally surrounding and refreshing you is ahhhh-mazing, as it washes away all feelings of heat and tiredness. There’s a huge difference between getting a little damp in the rain versus diving into a pool.

That’s the difference between reading the Word of God here and there as we run through life, versus entirely saturating our minds in the Word until it engulfs and surrounds us.

When I was seeking God for healing in my body, it required a good soak in the Word, three to four times per day. A little shower here and there wasn’t cutting it. Why? Because my soul was weary and overheated from the years of struggle, pain, and fear. I had to avoid the muck and fear of this world’s system of thinking and intentionally saturate my body, mind, and spirit in God’s refreshing promises. I could almost feel the *splash* as I dove into healing scriptures day after day after day. At first, it was a shock to my system, because I was battling fear and doubt. My mind tried to convince me that it works for other people but not for me. Thirty days later, something shifted. I was no longer the dirty, sweaty, weary, sick soul I once was. I was bold, refreshed, confident, joyful...giddy with delight over God’s promises! Like a little kid splashing around in a big ole summer swimming pool!

Then, BAM! Two weeks later, I was instantly and completely healed. I’ve never been the same!


“...Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing bher by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.”

Ephesians 5:25b-27 NIV (emphasis mine)


Speaking of floods, we recently visited the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. You’ve gotta see it!